Saturday, September 4, 2010

Stone Scribe Chronicler Assembly

During my first day of recovery, I've been slowly but surely assembling my recent Trollbloods order. Progress has been slow due to my regular need for breaks to rinse etc. but I have been making progress. Thus far I have most of the new models in various states of assembly. I've washed all the pieces and trimmed off excess mold lines. I even busted out some green stuff to fill in some gaps which you'll see when those pieces are completed.

For now, here's the finished Stone Scribe Chronicler.
From Stone Scribe Chronicler 1

I was actually really disappointed when I realized this wasn't the model I thought it was. I had meant to order myself a Stone Scribe Elder and ordered this guy instead. Whoops. I guess I know what's going in my next order!

1 comment:

  1. At the least, it saves you from having to buy him later :)
