I spent some time meticulously cleaning and assembling the Warpack box that came with my
order. In the past, I've never been particularly careful at the assembly step so I wanted to make sure I did an extra good job with the start of something new. I took the advice of my friend
Asmo and cleaned/filed all the mold lines. I then soaked the models in a bowl of warm water and dishwashing liquid before scrubbing them down with a cheap toothbrush. I've never done any pinning before but I wanted to go the extra mile with these so I asked
Nathan who I know had pinned his Cygnar army together for some advice on what to pick up. I ended up pinning everything but the heads and Madrak using the Gale Force Nine pinning kit.
Here are the results!
Impaler 1:
Impaler 2:
Group Photo:
I think they turned out really well. The joints are all pretty solid and I'm very pleased with how easy it ended up being. Once I got the hang of it, it didn't take much time at all. I want to green stuff the gaps and crevices with green stuff still which is another new thing for me so hopefully that will go as smoothly.
After seeing these babies in person, I will say that they are wonderfully assembled. I'm glad pinning was easy on you- that's such a vital skill!