These may be the coolest painted Trollbloods I have ever seen. What I would give to be able to paint even half this well. Breathtaking.
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Mountain King Progress
Took a break from my war wagon and went back to working on my Mountain King. I've got the major rock portions and the skin color done I think. I've got the base layer on just about everything else. So all that's left is some shading and highlighting on the smaller bits and finishing assembly The chains should be really easy as I'm going to steal the color from my battle wagon for them.
I continue to be terrible at all shading and highlighting techniques that are not simple drybrushing and washing. I've been getting better at paint mixing and thinning to get the right consistency for each color I want but I remain absolutely awful at figuring out how to get a good color progression. This is proving particularly difficult with my Retribution army.
With my Retribution I was wanting to go for a black, white, and purple color scheme. The idea was that all armor type components would be black (jacks and power armor on battle mages, invictors, sentinels, etc.), the standard green cloth would be replaced by white, and any glowy bits would be done in a purple.
This worked out really well for my Arcantrik Force Generator so far. The only problem is the lack of depth. The pictures below shows a single layer of all of the base colors.
I think the colors really work together and it looks awesome but mechanical things don't have nearly as many crevices and edges as organic things like the Mountain King. As a result, attempts to simply dry brush and wash are proving to not be very effective when using gradual differences in color (i.e. mixing thamar black and coal black then drybrushing with it). That particular combination you couldn't even tell I had done anything to it. I may need to try skipping the mixing and going straight for the highlight color to get the desired effect.
Below is a portion of my Hyperion that I tried applying s couple of thin layers of coal black mixed with the thamar black to just the raised portions on. It wasn't terribly effective. From a distance it doesn't look like anything and up close you can see clear lines of demarcation where the color suddenly changes.
At this point I'm really not sure what to try next for the Retribution stuff.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Trollkin War Wagon Painting Progress
Been hard at work on my Trollkin War Wagon. It's coming along really well.
I based the metal with P3 Pig Iron and followed that up with a mixture of P3 Pig Iron, P3 Thamar Black, and P3 Mixing Medium. I then gave the whole thing a heavy wash of Citadel Badab Black and dry brushed on some P3 Cold Steel.
The wood was based in P3 Bloodstone with a wash made up of P3 Bloodstone, P3 Cygnar Blue Base, and P3 Mixing Medium. I then drybrushed the wood with a mixture of P3 Bloodstone and P3 Menoth White Base. The portion of wood on the gun has not had the wash or highlighting applied to it yet as I originally missed that portion of wood when I went over the model.
Overall I'm pretty happy with the way the model has turned out so far. I have mixed feelings bout whether or not I want to try to replicate the rust and discoloration from the studio paint scheme or if I want to leave it as is. The studio paint scheme also features what appears to be some bronze areas and I'm not sure if I want to do that either. I'll need to find something to test rusty effects on as I don't want to inadvertently ruin any section of what I've already got done and have to reapply the steps if it doesn't work out.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Hordes is my new hobby
I fell out of miniature gaming for a while but now I'm back with a vengeance. I've for the most part moved on from Games Workshop games, mostly due to their recent pricing decisions. I love their models and wish I had the income to afford all of the new Ogre goodies they just released but alas, I do not.
My Trollbloods however have been growing. Hordes seems to offer far more bang for my buck than Warhammer did. Every new thing I buy is unique and brings something different to the table. Every game I play is a unique experience. That and their pricing scheme and lower model count works a lot better for me.
I've bought a ton of stuff recently, to the point where it is almost easier to list the stuff I don't have than what I do. I've also started to devote some time to actually painting things. The last time I blogged I hadn't even primed a single Trollbloods model.
Recently I basecoated black my entire Trollbloods army. I did it using regular paint rather than spray paint as my main obstacle to painting was that I couldn't spraypaint in my new apartment. With that hurdle out of the way, I went to one of the local stores and picked up the Trollbloods Paint Kit as well as the Privateer Press Wet Paint Palette Kit. I now have quite a few models with their skin painted Trollblood Base and I just for the first time began experimenting with highlighting (beyond just drybrushing) and mixing of colors. It's pretty exciting and I hope to have a fully painted Trollblood some time in the near future.
With that said, I present to you my current work in progress, my Dire Troll Mauler:
My Trollbloods however have been growing. Hordes seems to offer far more bang for my buck than Warhammer did. Every new thing I buy is unique and brings something different to the table. Every game I play is a unique experience. That and their pricing scheme and lower model count works a lot better for me.
I've bought a ton of stuff recently, to the point where it is almost easier to list the stuff I don't have than what I do. I've also started to devote some time to actually painting things. The last time I blogged I hadn't even primed a single Trollbloods model.
Recently I basecoated black my entire Trollbloods army. I did it using regular paint rather than spray paint as my main obstacle to painting was that I couldn't spraypaint in my new apartment. With that hurdle out of the way, I went to one of the local stores and picked up the Trollbloods Paint Kit as well as the Privateer Press Wet Paint Palette Kit. I now have quite a few models with their skin painted Trollblood Base and I just for the first time began experimenting with highlighting (beyond just drybrushing) and mixing of colors. It's pretty exciting and I hope to have a fully painted Trollblood some time in the near future.
With that said, I present to you my current work in progress, my Dire Troll Mauler:
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Dire Troll Mauler,
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Trollbloods vs. Khador 1/15/2011
I played my first game of 2011!
I took my Trollbloods against Rob's Khador this past Saturday and emerged victorious. With this win, I am officially undefeated in the new year.
This was also my first scenario game and was the "Convergence" scenario played at 35 points. Rob took a Kharchev list that he will have to detail and I took a pMadrak list.
My list:
Dire Troll Bomber
Krielstone Bearer + 3 Scribes
Stone Scribe Chronicler
5 Champions
I got the first turn so I deployed my Madrak brick with the Bomber off to one side and the two Impalers off to the other. On my first turn I advanced as quickly as possible and stopped just short of the center circle zone. I also cast Sure Foot on the axer who was chilling in the middle of my brick. On Rob's turn, he did the same but moved some Bombardiers into the circle to prevent me from getting a free point. The Bombardiers shot at my champions to no avail (dealing only 3 damage to one of them).
On my second turn, I moved the Champions, Madrak, the Axer, and some of the Scribes into the circle. I didn't have the threat range to charge unfortunately. I moved up one of the Impalers and shot at one of the Bombardiers doing only 6 damage (I think), not enough to kill him. I moved up the Bomber and gave him Far Strike hoping he would be able to lob two bombs into the Bombardiers and kill all three for me. Alas, it was not to be. I rolled a 5 on my first to hit roll (boosted even!) and then rolled another 5 on a non-boosted to hit roll. Really horrible luck.
On Rob's second turn, Karchev towed his jacks in so that they could charge into my Champions and attempt to tear my brick apart. The combination of Sure Foot, Defensive Line, and Protective Aura served me well though and the jacks failed to accomplish anything significant. They manage to kill one of my Champions (after he passed 3 lucky tough rolls in a row) but that was it. Rob then proceeded to try and charge another unit into my bomber but they fell short. Finally he had a unit of Turions (I think?) that had 3 spells. He had all of them cast a spray spell at me which actually ended up doing more damage to his own guys than they did to mine. He had a series of rather painful misses that accomplished nothing for him.
On my turn, Madrak cast Carnage and feated. The result was one of my champions that was unengaged charging into his tightly clumped infantry and singlehandedly mowing through almost all of them. My Axer moved into combat with the three warjacks and began Threshering. Now that they were all in melee range of my warbeast, I had the Chronicler trigger Charge of the Trolls on my Champions (they actually attacked at this point). And my champions began to tear apart the warjacks. I crippled the arm on one, did some damage to another, and destroyed the third with a final charge from one of my impalers.
On his turn, Rob went for the caster kill. He towed his one jack that was still in good shape out of combat and into position for it to charge Madrak. It did but failed to kill him due to Madrak's Scroll of Grindar's Perseverance which kept him alive.
When Rob's turn came around again, he conceded. I had almost all of my models left (one champion had died) and was getting ready to finish mopping up his warjacks (and Karchev) and was going to have no trouble keeping Madrak away from him for the rest of the game.
It was probably one of the more fun games I've had in Warmahordes since I started playing. I enjoy playing against the straightforward beat their face in style of Khador much more than I do playing against Steve's sneaky Cryx.
I took my Trollbloods against Rob's Khador this past Saturday and emerged victorious. With this win, I am officially undefeated in the new year.
This was also my first scenario game and was the "Convergence" scenario played at 35 points. Rob took a Kharchev list that he will have to detail and I took a pMadrak list.
My list:
Dire Troll Bomber
Krielstone Bearer + 3 Scribes
Stone Scribe Chronicler
5 Champions
I got the first turn so I deployed my Madrak brick with the Bomber off to one side and the two Impalers off to the other. On my first turn I advanced as quickly as possible and stopped just short of the center circle zone. I also cast Sure Foot on the axer who was chilling in the middle of my brick. On Rob's turn, he did the same but moved some Bombardiers into the circle to prevent me from getting a free point. The Bombardiers shot at my champions to no avail (dealing only 3 damage to one of them).
On my second turn, I moved the Champions, Madrak, the Axer, and some of the Scribes into the circle. I didn't have the threat range to charge unfortunately. I moved up one of the Impalers and shot at one of the Bombardiers doing only 6 damage (I think), not enough to kill him. I moved up the Bomber and gave him Far Strike hoping he would be able to lob two bombs into the Bombardiers and kill all three for me. Alas, it was not to be. I rolled a 5 on my first to hit roll (boosted even!) and then rolled another 5 on a non-boosted to hit roll. Really horrible luck.
On Rob's second turn, Karchev towed his jacks in so that they could charge into my Champions and attempt to tear my brick apart. The combination of Sure Foot, Defensive Line, and Protective Aura served me well though and the jacks failed to accomplish anything significant. They manage to kill one of my Champions (after he passed 3 lucky tough rolls in a row) but that was it. Rob then proceeded to try and charge another unit into my bomber but they fell short. Finally he had a unit of Turions (I think?) that had 3 spells. He had all of them cast a spray spell at me which actually ended up doing more damage to his own guys than they did to mine. He had a series of rather painful misses that accomplished nothing for him.
On my turn, Madrak cast Carnage and feated. The result was one of my champions that was unengaged charging into his tightly clumped infantry and singlehandedly mowing through almost all of them. My Axer moved into combat with the three warjacks and began Threshering. Now that they were all in melee range of my warbeast, I had the Chronicler trigger Charge of the Trolls on my Champions (they actually attacked at this point). And my champions began to tear apart the warjacks. I crippled the arm on one, did some damage to another, and destroyed the third with a final charge from one of my impalers.
On his turn, Rob went for the caster kill. He towed his one jack that was still in good shape out of combat and into position for it to charge Madrak. It did but failed to kill him due to Madrak's Scroll of Grindar's Perseverance which kept him alive.
When Rob's turn came around again, he conceded. I had almost all of my models left (one champion had died) and was getting ready to finish mopping up his warjacks (and Karchev) and was going to have no trouble keeping Madrak away from him for the rest of the game.
It was probably one of the more fun games I've had in Warmahordes since I started playing. I enjoy playing against the straightforward beat their face in style of Khador much more than I do playing against Steve's sneaky Cryx.
Battle Report,
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
My Next Project Poll
It's been so long since I've done anything miniature related that a whole bunch of awesome new miniatures have come out that I would love to get my hands on. The only problem is, funds and time are limited, and I can't seem to decide what I want to get next.
So, here are my options:
1. Start Dark Eldar. Games Workshop released all of these awesome new miniatures with a really fun sounding army book. I already have a smallish Ork 40k army but I've never really gotten into 40k that much. Should I give it another shot with a fresher army?
2. Buy More Skaven Stuff. There are TONS of really cool Skaven models to pick up. I haven't bought anything for them since the book came out (I only have the old 7th edition battalion), and between the Island of Blood, and the first two minis waves, there's a lot of cool stuff to pick up.
3. More Trollbloods. I've been really enjoying games of WarmaHordes recently (even though I haven't played too much) but my current selection for armies is so limited. I really need to enchance with some more variety but I'm torn between this and a Games Workshop project. Games Workshop, surprisingly, seems to give me a little more bang for my buck (at least in terms of number of models) over Privateer Press but I'm probably more likely to play games of WarmaHordes.
4. Orcs & Goblins are due out in the Spring. I could just wait for them and then start up that army if they turn out to be really cool. I'm really intrigued to see what they do with the first book of 8th edition.
5. Buy Nothing. I am so far behind on painting my stuff. Should I just suck it up and paint my old models instead of buying a bunch of new stuff that I'll build and then never paint (or maybe even never actually play)?
There's a poll to the left, please vote and then let me know your thoughts in the comments.
So, here are my options:
1. Start Dark Eldar. Games Workshop released all of these awesome new miniatures with a really fun sounding army book. I already have a smallish Ork 40k army but I've never really gotten into 40k that much. Should I give it another shot with a fresher army?
2. Buy More Skaven Stuff. There are TONS of really cool Skaven models to pick up. I haven't bought anything for them since the book came out (I only have the old 7th edition battalion), and between the Island of Blood, and the first two minis waves, there's a lot of cool stuff to pick up.
3. More Trollbloods. I've been really enjoying games of WarmaHordes recently (even though I haven't played too much) but my current selection for armies is so limited. I really need to enchance with some more variety but I'm torn between this and a Games Workshop project. Games Workshop, surprisingly, seems to give me a little more bang for my buck (at least in terms of number of models) over Privateer Press but I'm probably more likely to play games of WarmaHordes.
4. Orcs & Goblins are due out in the Spring. I could just wait for them and then start up that army if they turn out to be really cool. I'm really intrigued to see what they do with the first book of 8th edition.
5. Buy Nothing. I am so far behind on painting my stuff. Should I just suck it up and paint my old models instead of buying a bunch of new stuff that I'll build and then never paint (or maybe even never actually play)?
There's a poll to the left, please vote and then let me know your thoughts in the comments.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
It's a New Year
Wow. It's been a really long time since I've posted anything.
Life really got away from me for a while and it doesn't look like it will be letting up any time soon. I now have a wedding to plan for, another move to plan for, and I'll be starting grad school at the end of the month. I'm going to try and start this blog up in the new year but try to ration my time with it a little better. Posts won't be nearly as frequent or probably as in depth as they were before but I'm going to try and aim for a post a week or so with whatever my miniature related thoughts of the moment are.
I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and I'm looking forward to seeing all the miniature related things everyone accomplishes in the new year!
Life really got away from me for a while and it doesn't look like it will be letting up any time soon. I now have a wedding to plan for, another move to plan for, and I'll be starting grad school at the end of the month. I'm going to try and start this blog up in the new year but try to ration my time with it a little better. Posts won't be nearly as frequent or probably as in depth as they were before but I'm going to try and aim for a post a week or so with whatever my miniature related thoughts of the moment are.
I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and I'm looking forward to seeing all the miniature related things everyone accomplishes in the new year!
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