Sunday, February 10, 2013

Mountain King Progress

Took a break from my war wagon and went back to working on my Mountain King.  I've got the major rock portions and the skin color done I think.  I've got the base layer on just about everything else.  So all that's left is some shading and highlighting on the smaller bits and finishing assembly  The chains should be really easy as I'm going to steal the color from my battle wagon for them.

I continue to be terrible at all shading and highlighting techniques that are not simple drybrushing and washing.  I've been getting better at paint mixing and thinning to get the right consistency for each color I want but I remain absolutely awful at figuring out how to get a good color progression.  This is proving particularly difficult with my Retribution army.

With my Retribution I was wanting to go for a black, white, and purple color scheme.  The idea was that all armor type components would be black (jacks and power armor on battle mages, invictors, sentinels, etc.), the standard green cloth would be replaced by white, and any glowy bits would be done in a purple.

This worked out really well for my Arcantrik Force Generator so far.  The only problem is the lack of depth.  The pictures below shows a single layer of all of the base colors.

I think the colors really work together and it looks awesome but mechanical things don't have nearly as many crevices and edges as organic things like the Mountain King.  As a result, attempts to simply dry brush and wash are proving to not be very effective when using gradual differences in color (i.e. mixing thamar black and coal black then drybrushing with it).  That particular combination you couldn't even tell I had done anything to it.  I may need to try skipping the mixing and going straight for the highlight color to get the desired effect.

Below is a portion of my Hyperion that I tried applying s couple of thin layers of coal black mixed with the thamar black to just the raised portions on.  It wasn't terribly effective.  From a distance it doesn't look like anything and up close you can see clear lines of demarcation where the color suddenly changes.

At this point I'm really not sure what to try next for the Retribution stuff.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way the AFG is turning out. That's a very sharp looking color scheme.

    For highlighting non-organic models, you may want to try a simple style of blending. You could look into Two-Brush Blending which is very simple, and gets great results, for instance.
